Concealment & Pole Solutions
Charles Industries’ radio concealment shrouds and pole solutions offer aesthetically-pleasing concealment of radios and remote equipment at small cell, densification, and DAS remote sites. With municipalities increasingly passing ordinances for the concealment of remote equipment deployments, our attractive and functional concealment shrouds help obtain approvals, speed deployments, and protect equipment in a variety of environments.
Charles concealment portfolio includes a myriad of 4G and 5G solutions for ground, pole side or pole top mounting. And, if the deployment dictates it, our line of integrated poles will completely conceal all equipment.
Ensuring Network Reliability
As connectivity skyrockets, so does the cost of service interruptions. Let us help you find the right products to safeguard that significant network investment. Our experts can help you pinpoint the proper solution for your environment and customize per your specific requirements.
Talk to Charles about the demands and future direction of your network.