Cable Stubs
C-10 Type Cable Stubs
Charles Industries’ C-10 type cable stubs are fully color-coded PIC cable with either ALPETH (C-10A1) or PASP (C-10B1) sheaths. C-10 cable stubs contain a gas plug 10’ from one end. A STALPETH (C-10E1) version is also offered with a gas plug at 15’ and standard lengths of 30’ and 50’.
All stubs are designed as an interface between two pressurized or non-pressurized cables to keep them separated pneumatically. They may also be used at control points and access points in dedicated plant, or for joining and rearranging existing plant. A wide variety of cable pair count sizes are available (50 to 1800 pair).
All cables are 100% tested and individually packed for ease of handling. A weatherproof identification label is affixed to the gas plug.
EP-10 Type Cable Stubs
Charles Industries’ EP-10 type cable stubs are fully color-coded PIC cable with either ALPETH (EP-10A1) or PASP (EP-10B1) sheaths. EP-10 cable stubs contain a gas plug 10’ from one end.
The individual insulated conductors are exposed for a length of 24” beyond the gas plug for splicing purposes. Also provided is a #10 insulated ground lead from the gas plug that is bonded to the cable shield. This cable stub is designed to serve as a conducting interface between a pressurized cable and a non-pressurized ready access splice closure.
EP-10 cable stubs are available in a wide range of cable pair count sizes (50 to 1800 pairs). For buried applications, stubs may be filled with water-proof encapsulant for added protection. This option, designated as EP-10A1-F, must be specified at time of quotation and ordering.
All cables are 100% tested and individually packed for ease of handling. A weatherproof identification label is affixed to the gas plug.
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Product Details
Ordering Information
Type AB6F Cable Stubs
Part Number
Type C10A1 Cable Stubs
Part Number
Type C10B1 Cable Stubs PASP cable
Part Number
Type C10D1 Cable Stubs D-Encapsulated PASP cable
Part Number
Type C15D1 Cable Stubs D-Encapsulated PASP Cable
Part Number
Type C90A1 Cable Stubs ALPETH Cable (no pressure dam)
Part Number
Type EP10A1 Cable Stubs
Part Number
Type EP10B1 Cable Stubs
Part Number

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